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A LavishGUI 2 anchor element is a standard Content Container element, which anchors its content either to a specified location, or the cursor.

Defining an anchor element

An anchor element is a Content Container, with added properties for anchoring content.

Anchor element properties
clipToParent A boolean (True/False) value specifying whether to clip the content inside the visual parent
anchorLocation A Point definition, specifying the X,Y location to anchor to (e.g. [0,0])
anchorLocationFactor A Point definition, specifying the X,Y factor to anchor to (e.g. [0.5,0.5] to mean the visual parent's center)
anchorOffset A Point definition, specifying the X,Y location to offset the anchor by (e.g. [0,0])
anchorOffsetFactor A Point definition, specifying the X,Y factor (as a factor of the content's size) to offset the anchor by (e.g. [0.5,0.5] to mean the content's center)
anchorToElement A Locate definition, specifying another element to anchor to
anchorMode One of "static", "cursor", or "element". If not provided, this value is implied by the existence of anchorLocation or anchorToElement


LavishGUI 2 Element Types

LavishGUI 2 LavishScript Object Types

Core API (see Using LavishGUI 2 from LavishScript)
lgui2 - lgui2animateargs - lgui2animationtype - lgui2elementref - lgui2eventargs - lgui2eventhandler - lgui2elementtype - lgui2itemviewgeneratorargs - lgui2inputbinding - lgui2layer - lgui2skin - lgui2trigger
elgui2animationframestate - elgui2dpad - elgui2edge - elgui2fontflags - elgui2horizontalalignment - elgui2imageorientation - elgui2progresstext - elgui2scrollbar - elgui2sizetocontent - elgui2verticalignment - elgui2visibility
Element Components
lgui2animation - lgui2brush - lgui2fontstyle - lgui2margins - lgui2item - lgui2property - lgui2radialitem - lgui2radialgaugeneedle
Element Base Types
lgui2element - lgui2bordered - lgui2contentbase - lgui2headeredcontentbase - lgui2itemlist