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Object Type Vitals
Defined By LavishGUI 2
Inherits lgui2panel
Reduces To lgui2radialpanel
Variable Object Type none
Uses Sub-Types no
C/C++ Type void *

A lgui2radialpanel object provides access to a radialpanel element, and inherits from lgui2panel.


  • float DeadZone: The radius of the Dead Zone in the center of the panel
  • float LiveZone: The radius of the Live Zone, the default size for added Radial Items
  • float ZoneMargin: The distance between the Dead Zone and Live Zone
  • float ChildWidth: Width reserved for child elements
  • float ChildHeight: Height reserved for child elements
  • float Origin: Where the radial layout begins, in degrees clockwise from top. 0.0 <= value < 360.0
  • uint Resolution: The number of edges used to render the perimeter of the circle. For optimal performance, use the lowest value that still looks good at the desired size
  • lgui2radialitem RadialItemByElement[#]: Retrieves a Radial Item from a Child element's ID
  • lgui2radialitem RadialItemByVector[degreesClockwise,distance]: Retrieves the Radial Item, if any, at a specified angle and distance from the center
  • lgui2radialitem RadialItemByPoint[#,#]: Retrieves the Radial Item, if any, at a specified X,Y location (relative to the Layer, i.e. the game window)
  • lgui2radialitem MouseOverItem: Retrieves the Radial Item that falls under the mouse cursor
  • jsonobject RadialItemTemplate: The base template used for Radial Items added to this panel
  • lgui2brush DeadZoneBrush: The Brush used to render the Dead Zone in the center of the panel


  • SetDeadZone[#]: Sets the radius of the Dead Zone in the center of the panel
  • SetLiveZone[#]: Sets the radius of the Live Zone, the default size for added Radial Items
  • SetChildSize[#]: Sets the reserved size for child elements to a square of this size
  • SetChildSize[#,#]: Sets the reserved size for child elements to the provided Width and Height
  • SetDeadZoneBrush[json]: Sets the Brush used to render the Dead Zone in the center of the panel
  • SetRadialItemTemplate[json]: Sets the base template used for Radial Items added to this panel
  • SetZoneMargin[#]: Sets the distance between the Dead Zone and Live Zone
  • SetOrigin[#]: Sets where the radial layout begins, in degrees clockwise from top. This value will automatically adjust into the range 0.0 <= value < 360.0, meaning -1 becomes 359, and 361 becomes 1.
  • SetResolution[#]: Sets the number of edges used to render the perimeter of the circle. For optimal performance, use the lowest value that still looks good at the desired size


LavishGUI 2 Element Types

LavishGUI 2 LavishScript Object Types

Core API (see Using LavishGUI 2 from LavishScript)
lgui2 - lgui2animateargs - lgui2animationtype - lgui2elementref - lgui2eventargs - lgui2eventhandler - lgui2elementtype - lgui2itemviewgeneratorargs - lgui2inputbinding - lgui2layer - lgui2skin - lgui2trigger
elgui2animationframestate - elgui2dpad - elgui2edge - elgui2fontflags - elgui2horizontalalignment - elgui2imageorientation - elgui2progresstext - elgui2scrollbar - elgui2sizetocontent - elgui2verticalignment - elgui2visibility
Element Components
lgui2animation - lgui2brush - lgui2fontstyle - lgui2margins - lgui2item - lgui2property - lgui2radialitem - lgui2radialgaugeneedle
Element Base Types
lgui2element - lgui2bordered - lgui2contentbase - lgui2headeredcontentbase - lgui2itemlist