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Object Type Vitals
Defined By LavishGUI 2
Inherits none
Reduces To Same as Name
Variable Object Type none
Uses Sub-Types no
C/C++ Type void *

A lgui2animation object provides access to Animation properties


  • unistring Name: The name of the Animation
  • lgui2element Element: The Element being animated
  • lgui2animationtype Type: The Animation Type doing the animating
  • jsonobject Parameters: Parameters used to create the Animation. Any changes/additions to this object are kept for the lifetime of the Animation.
  • bool IsRunning: TRUE if the Animation is running
  • bool IsInstant: TRUE if the Animation is instant
  • float RunningTime: Running time (elapsed time) of the Animation, in seconds
  • uint RunningTimeMS: Running time (elapsed time) of the Animation, in milliseconds
  • float FrameElapsedTime: Elapsed time since the last Animatioon frame, in seconds
  • uint FrameElapsedTimeMS: Elapsed time since the last Animatioon frame, in milliseconds
  • uint StartTimestamp: The Animation's Start time (milliseconds)
  • uint LastFrameTimestamp: The Animation's last frame (milliseconds)
  • float Duration: Specified duration (total expected length of time) of the Animation, if any, given in seconds
  • uint DurationMS: Specified duration (total expected length of time) of the Animation, if any, given in milliseconds
  • bool IsInstant: TRUE if the Animation has no duration and is defined as instant. If the Animation has no duration and IsInstant is FALSE, the Animation has no defined duration and may run indefinitely (or until Stopped).


  • Start: Start the Animation
  • Stop: Stop the Animation
  • Toggle: Start/Stop the Animation
  • SetInstant[bool]: Sets the Instant flag to the specified value
  • SetDuration[float]: Sets the duration of the Animation in seconds, with floating point (e.g. 1.5 for 1.5 seconds)
  • SetDurationMS[#]: Sets the duration of the Animation in milliseconds (e.g. 1500 for 1.5 seconds)


LavishGUI 2 Element Types

LavishGUI 2 LavishScript Object Types

Core API (see Using LavishGUI 2 from LavishScript)
lgui2 - lgui2animateargs - lgui2animationtype - lgui2elementref - lgui2eventargs - lgui2eventhandler - lgui2elementtype - lgui2itemviewgeneratorargs - lgui2inputbinding - lgui2layer - lgui2skin - lgui2trigger
elgui2animationframestate - elgui2dpad - elgui2edge - elgui2fontflags - elgui2horizontalalignment - elgui2imageorientation - elgui2progresstext - elgui2scrollbar - elgui2sizetocontent - elgui2verticalignment - elgui2visibility
Element Components
lgui2animation - lgui2brush - lgui2fontstyle - lgui2margins - lgui2item - lgui2property - lgui2radialitem - lgui2radialgaugeneedle
Element Base Types
lgui2element - lgui2bordered - lgui2contentbase - lgui2headeredcontentbase - lgui2itemlist