ISBoxer Releases

ISBoxer version 42.7.0822.1
Released: 2018-08-22
  • Added a new Application Compatibility window. This helps correct issues many people have launching their game with ISBoxer, in some cases automatically.
    • ISBoxer can either ignore or automatically remove each compatibility flag.
    • This window will pop up automatically upon Export, if ISBoxer finds an unhandled Windows compatibility flag on the game to be launched.
    • The window is also accessible for each Character in its right-click menu (in the top left pane under Characters), under 'Check Application Compatibility'
  • Anarchy Online:
    • ISBoxer will now maintain DisplayHeight and DisplayWidth values in virtualized Prefs.XML
  • World of Warcraft:
    • ISBoxer Addon updated to properly fill out isboxer.CharacterSet.Members