ISBoxer Releases

ISBoxer version 42.14.0312.1
Released: 2020-03-12
  • World of Warcraft Classic 1.13.4 compatibility update
    • ISBoxer Addon version updated, no longer 'Out of date'
    • ISSUE: WoW Classic 1.13.4 introduced a new window sizing behavior that can cause crashes with ISBoxer. The game no longer treats 'gxWindowedResolution' as a trusted setting, and the game will choose to replace the value on its own (specifically, when it feels the 'gxWindowedResolution' setting is too close to the size of your screen... the game now decides for you).
  • WORKAROUND: ISBoxer will now offer to remove the 'gxWindowedResolution' line in order to prevent 1. the game from using the wrong resolution, and 2. the crash when ISBoxer attempts to correct the resolution at launch time.