Inner Space Releases

Inner Space version 1.12 Build 5954
Released: 2014-02-04
  • EVE Online:
    • Added separate "No Patch" profiles for DirectX 9 and 11 modes
  • Improved compatibility with Anarchy Online Beta (new DirectX 9 engine)
  • Fixed a bug with extra windows when closing EverQuest Free-to-Play
  • Fixed a bug with hotkey parsing with key names that start with +
  • Added support for Logitech G930 headset buttons
  • LavishGUI:
    • TextEntry and TextEdit controls now support Tab and Shift+Tab for switching control focus
  • LavishScript:
    • New events "Fatal Error" (an error which terminates the running script) and "Data Sequence Error" (an error which is typically considered recoverable). Both events provide 2 parameters: 1. The error output sent to the console 2. The current LavishScript execution stack with CR/LF separating each line The event's Context object will be the currently-executing script