Inner Space Releases

Inner Space version 1.09 Build 4676
Released: 2008-09-15
  • Reimplemented delay on emulated keypress release, which should help solve key emulation issues with games that have poorly implemented input systems (e.g. EverQuest II)
  • LavishGUI
  • OnLeftDown and OnRightDown embedded script actions are now implemented
  • OnMouseWheel event now executes instead of OnLeftClick when the mouse wheel is moved
  • lguilistbox:Sort method (and by inheritance, the same for combo boxes) now allows for an optional parameter containing the name of a global atom to be used for sort comparison. atom(global) my_custom_sort(int A, int B) { // ${This.Item[${A}]} vs ${This.Item[${B}]} // where This is the list box, A is the ID of the first item, B is the ID of the second // return -1 (less than 0) if item A should be before (above) item B (aka "A is less than B") // return 0 if item A is equal to item B // return 1 (greater than 0) if item A should be after (below) item B // ... just like string comparison functions }
  • LavishScript
  • Improved data sequence error messages, and there was much rejoicing.
  • Applied a performance optimization to query evaluation. Some (most?) queries should now run 2 to 3 times faster.
  • Implemented 'lavishscript' type members:
    • uint CreateQuery[expression] - Creates a query with the given expression -- e.g. ${LavishScript.CreateQuery[Name=="Bonkers"]}
    • string RetrieveQueryExpression[ID] - Retrieves the query expression for a previously created query
    • bool QueryEvaluate[ID,object] - Determines if the given object matches the given query
  • Implemented 'lavishscript' type methods:
    • FreeQuery[ID] - Frees a previously created query
  • Added 'inputdevice' type
  • Implemented 'input' type methods:
    • GetBindIterator
    • GetAxisIterator
    • GetDPadIterator
    • GetDeviceIterator