Inner Space Releases

Inner Space version 1.08 Build 4294
Released: 2006-12-28
  • .NET 2.0 ( see )
    • Much of the API now has documentation in the assemblies
  • LavishNav
    • lnavpathfinder.SelectPath now accepts a -dynamic switch for per-connection cost checking. Without -dynamic, the return value of the given atom is assumed to be a non-zero/zero "pass/fail" (i.e. use or do not use the connection). With -dynamic, the return value of the given atom is assumed to be INFINITE for do not use, otherwise a floating point cost value (e.g. distance). Note that this is only for real-time dynamic connections. Permanent cost values can still be set for each connection by setting the "distance override".
    • Per connection dynamic cost and pass/fail is now available through the LavishNav .NET API by passing a callback to SelectPath.
    • Fixed triangle center point
    • -allpointsvalid switch now works when creating regions
    • All children of the root universe are now implicitly "unique"
    • LavishNav.NET changes:
  • AStar and Dijkstra objects should now be created with new AStar() or new Dijkstra() instead of using AStar.GetNew() or Dijkstra.GetNew()
  • new Path() should now work correctly
  • LavishScript
    • Fixed issues with function parameter default values