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This open-source module provides support for MySQL database interaction

Object Types

Example Usage

 * Require MySQL module during preprocessing, so the variables can be created as part of script structure
 * instead of using DeclareVariable
#if !${LavishScript:LoadModule[MySQL](exists)}
#error MySQL module for LavishScript required.

function main()
   variable mysql DB
   variable mysqlresult Result

 * Connect to db on localhost
 * user/pass: jimmy/jimmys password
 * DB name: db_562
   if !${DB:Connect[localhost,jimmy,jimmys password,db_562](exists)}
      echo Could not connect to MySQL database
 * SELECT user_id,user_name,user_email FROM table_users
 * Place result in Result object
  if !${DB:Query["SELECT user_id,user_name,user_email FROM table_users",Result](exists)}
     echo Query failed

  while ${Result:FetchRow(exists)}
     echo User ${Result.GetString[user_id]}: ${Result.GetString[user_name]}
     echo -- Email Address: ${Result.GetString[user_email]}


Ready to Install

Compiled with LSModule v18. Install MySQL.dll to the LavishScript Modules folder. Requires libMySQL.dll be installed
Don't have libMySQL.dll? Download and extract libMySQL.dll to the Windows System32 folder.

Unofficial LSModule v19 Version

Source Code

See Also