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This open-source module provides support for MySQL database interaction

Object Types

Example Usage

 * Require MySQL module during preprocessing, so the variables can be created as part of script structure
 * instead of using DeclareVariable
#if !${LavishScript:LoadModule[MySQL](exists)}
#error MySQL module for LavishScript required.

function main()
   variable mysql DB
   variable mysqlresult Result

 * Connect to db on localhost
 * user/pass: jimmy/jimmys password
 * DB name: db_562
   if !${DB:Connect[localhost,jimmy,jimmys password,db_562](exists)}
      echo Could not connect to MySQL database
 * SELECT user_id,user_name,user_email FROM table_users
 * Place result in Result object
  if !${DB:Query["SELECT user_id,user_name,user_email FROM table_users",Result](exists)}
     echo Query failed

  while ${Result:FetchRow(exists)}
     echo User ${Result.GetString[user_id]}: ${Result.GetString[user_name]}
     echo -- Email Address: ${Result.GetString[user_email]}


Ready to Run

Place the following files in your "InnerSpace\LavishScript Modules" folder

Source Code

Visual Studio 2012 Project, using Visual Studio 2010 platform, and MySQL Connector 6.1.1 (included)

See Also