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Variables are Top-Level Objects that can be created at any time.


Variables have a few different properties, each of which are initially set upon creation. The Value may be changed later.


The name must consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores, and may not start with a number. Variable names must be unique in all accessible scopes (see below).


The type is any currently available Data Type. These may be built into LavishScript, an application such as Inner Space or Fury, or an extension such as ISXGenHack. If the type is not given when creating the variable, the variable will default to the string type.


There are three possible scopes for variables -- global, script, and local. The global scope is accessible anywhere in LavishScript -- other scripts, from console commands, etc. The script scope is accessible only within the current script. The local scope is accessible only within the current function. If the scope is not given when creating the variable, the variable will default to global if not created within a script, or local if it is created within a script.


Valid variable values are dependent on the data type. For example, strings contain any text, and ints contain any whole numbers. If the value is not given when creating the variable, the variable will default to whatever the data type says is default -- generally what would be considered empty or equal to zero.


Variables are created exclusively through the DeclareVariable command.



Variables are used exactly like Top-Level Objects, though they cannot be accessed from outside their scope. For example, a variable called "MyVariable" is used as ${MyVariable} -- just as a Top-Level Object called "Return" is used as ${Return}. As the name implies, these are objects, and all objects have members. In turn, each object member is another object. So this of course is perfectly valid: ${Return.Left[12].Right[3]} -- Return is a string, string.Left[#] gives a string, and string.Right[#] also gives a string. See Syntax for detailed information.


Variable values are changed through type-specific "Set" methods


See Also