ISUI:variablegauge (Element Type)

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Revision as of 21:19, 6 June 2005 by Lax (talk | contribs)
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Base Element

XML Attributes

Tag Description Default
Data Complete data sequence indicating a value within the gauge's range none
Offset This value will be subtracted from the result of the data sequence, to force the value to within the gauge's range 0


Example 1

This example shows a basic variable gauge, using the value of a "test" variable. The variable uses the default gauge range of 1, so valid values are anywhere from 0 to 1, inclusive. The gauge also has a child, called "ticks", which has a range set to .1. The child gauge will basically show a zoomed view of the current interval of .1 (for example, if the value of test is .56, the child tick will show a zoomed view of between .50 and .60, with the current value 6 tenths of the way filled).

      <VariableGauge Name='test gauge'>
        <DefaultTextures />
          <Gauge Name='ticks'>
            <DefaultTextures />