I had a question about setting up file/ini redirection, but then I found your reply, below, which most cleared things up.
Just a couple of questions.
1) what is the difference between FileRedirect and INIRedirect ?
(I'd like to redirect a UI_charname_server.ini file, for EverQuest, so that different profiles can log in the same character but have different screen layouts. So, would this be FileRedirect or INIRedirect?)
Also, would I have to add this redirect to the PreInit script or in the profile ?
2) You mentioned using a switch in the PreInit script ?
It's actually built in by default with a clean installation. In the PreInit sequence, the FileRedirect and INIRedirect commands are used to redirect basic file i/o and ini i/o. Here's what happens in the default PreInit.iss:
FileRedirect eqlsPlayerData.ini "eqlsPlayerData-${Profile}.ini"
INIRedirect eqclient.ini * * "eqclient-${Profile}.ini" * *
So the eqclient.ini file that gets used by default is actually
eqclient-EverQuest Default Profile.ini
and each profile you create automatically uses one with a similar name because of the ${Profile}
There's ways to set it up per profile to use something else. For example, you could comment out (or remove) the INIRedirect line in PreInit.iss, and instead in the Profile settings (through the Games window) for each profile, type out the entire line (or paste and edit it) with the file you want, and save it. Like so:
INIRedirect eqclient.ini * * "eqclient-eolewis.ini" * *
Yet another way would be to use a switch in the PreInit script, but that would make it look too complicated and I'll just explain that if you ask about it