second window can not launch 3D?

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second window can not launch 3D?

Post by saxyrobert » Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:06 am

I am trying to run to accounts of WoW. First one launches OK but second was gives me an error saying it could not start up 3D.
Seems odd enough I thought maybe someone had seen this before.

If this does not ring a "oh ... that is (enter brilliant solution I missed here)" then I will follow up with more details. :-)
thanks. :D

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Post by Lax » Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:38 am

Please use for any and all ISBoxer posts. There are posts there about similar issues, indeed.

Most likely, your ISBoxer Window Layout needs to be recreated.

Your monitor layout is stored as part of your ISBoxer configuration, and if your monitor layout according to Windows changes (e.g. because you upgraded from windows 7 to 10, because of a driver update, because you physically unplugged and switched them around, etc) then ISBoxer will have the wrong data for the monitor. The game may complain because ISBoxer is blocking it from accessing a different monitor.

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