Inner Space was unable to initialize at this time (-16).

Discussion of Inner Space

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Post by Blachawk » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:13 pm

A 1 man dev team is fine but once you take money for a product you have to stand behind that product. I think IS is great and this outage hasn't adversely effected me to any great degree but a 2 minute acknowledgment with a brief explanation in the announcements section would be proper. It what I do when there is a system outage that effects my customers. A 10 hour outage rates a 2 minute message. A brief message goes a long way toward customer satisfaction.

I wish you the best at correcting this issue and have faith that all will be good soon. We all suffer a little downtime once in a while.

Thanks for reading my rant! :P

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Post by aChallenged1 » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:21 pm

I have seen little in the way of people inquiring about why it is down. I have seen plenty of people spouting crap about it being down.

Why am I not surprised at your join date?

BTW, at least you can expect Lax to be much more reasonable than me when it comes to customer service. You should be thankful for that fact. Me, I'd tell the lot of those talking shit to go take a hike off of a short pier into shark infested waters that have been recently chummed.

Since you do not know what is going on with Lax, and the cause for the down time, your bitching is without merit. Now, if we knew he was sitting on his ass laughing at us, that would be different.

I believe I know Lax well enough to know this is not the case; he's never left his client base hanging, it's why so many of us are long term subscribers. Lax and I are not friends, but I have essentially been a "client" of his for a number of years, starting back at MacroQuest2 before he launched LavishSoft. He's never let the community down. Personally, I hope and pray that everything is fine with Lax. At this point, I'm more concerned about him rather than the downtime. I really hope it is not some catastrophe, but instead an issue that goes beyond his ability to fix in short order.

I trust Lax to fix it as fast as he possibly can. He hasn't let me down yet. Hell, the man puts up with my questions in IRC and answers them very patiently. For that alone I give the man credit.

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Post by aChallenged1 » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:25 pm

Blachawk wrote:A 1 man dev team is fine but once you take money for a product you have to stand behind that product. I think IS is great and this outage hasn't adversely effected me to any great degree but a 2 minute acknowledgment with a brief explanation in the announcements section would be proper. It what I do when there is a system outage that effects my customers. A 10 hour outage rates a 2 minute message. A brief message goes a long way toward customer satisfaction.

I wish you the best at correcting this issue and have faith that all will be good soon. We all suffer a little downtime once in a while.

Thanks for reading my rant! :P
You're assuming he is able to give any response right now. We do not know what is going on. How would you feel if you found out he was in an accident, which turned out to be the reason why he has not communicated with us?

I hate doom and gloom, but I am truly staring to worry about Lax. Fuck the downtime. This is not normal for him to let anything go so long. In fact, I don't know of a time when he ever let an issue go without comment for half this amount of time.

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Post by Blachawk » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:37 pm

Not having your longevity of experience, I have no basis to know what to expect. The fact that I am new to this community isn't really germane to my inquisitiveness. If I had purchased any product and found myself unable to use it I would contact support for that product. Its natural. I do indeed hope nothing bad has happened to him. I don't even know that I was bitching. I did acknowledge his accomplishments by stating that I thought his product was great even with this outage and even wished him luck at correcting the issue. I have come to expect these flippant responses from you though. It just seems to be how you refer to everyone that you think isn't at your level of excellence but I digress. Lets not turn this into a flame fest since many of your responses are indeed helpful if not pleasant. I hope it all works out ok. Personally, IS and ISXVG are the only reasons I am still playing VG. I look forward to what is yet to come.

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Post by djkrztoff » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:44 pm

Blachawk wrote:isn't really germane to my inquisitiveness

who the fuck talks like that?!

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Post by Unchayned » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:47 pm


Agree fully y, I havnt said a thing till with sense did ,Smile)
With true!

Y server to make of neg sixten? Game no have wiht play sense this mornig ni want it workig rite now!

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Post by djkrztoff » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:48 pm

Unchayned wrote:

Agree fully y, I havnt said a thing till with sense did ,Smile)
With true!

Y server to make of neg sixten? Game no have wiht play sense this mornig ni want it workig rite now!

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Post by aChallenged1 » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:55 pm

Inner Space is back up, enjoy.

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Post by fearless » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:09 pm

Let's not get out of hand in the future.

Locking this thread.
