error -114

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error -114

Post by MacroMage » Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:31 pm

Since other thread was locked and i was asked to give detail...

This doesn't happen every time. Less than 50% of the time I simply click the icon and go. The times it doesn't load without error I follow these steps:

1) I click icon, error -114.

2) click Icon, login window pops up with my account name... I type password, check auto login, and get same error -114

3)I click Icon, login window pops up with blank user/password... I enter username, password, check auto login, error -114

step 3 repeats until i connect.

Occasionally on a new session, I click the icon and it starts right up.

When prompted for user/password, I always check the automatic logon option.

Latest Patch notes show "1.07 Build 4179"
Inner Space shows v1.07 (Build 4054)
LavishScript v1.93
LSModule v16
LavishGUI v0.71
LavishGUI API v10

Download Development Patches is not selected
Always Patch is selected

clicking either Refresh or Patch Now appear to do nothing.

Is there any other information you need to help fix this "annoyance"... everything else works so wonderfully that I have lived with this since day 1 :D


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Post by Lax » Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:52 am

-114 simply means that your computer disconnected prematurely from our server. Unfortunately this issue is not something that many others experience, or it would be fixed already ;) As we've used the same process successfully for over 2 years now, it seems unlikely that you've uncovered a major bug in our software...

So basically the question is... what makes your computer different from anyone elses? It's either software installed on your system, or some piece of hardware on your system, which doesn't help narrow things down much. You can narrow down the software bit by typing "diag" in the IS console, and pasting the output here (or to me in email if you prefer privacy). Assuming you dont hide portions of it, this will show me what DLLs are loaded in the process that could be having a negative effect. This won't reveal everything (for example, LSPs would probably not appear), but might provide some clues. You should definitely try disabling all other software running on your machine to see if maybe one is causing this problem.

I'm not going to say that you should reinstall Windows, but I will say that on a clean installation of Windows XP SP2 with the latest drivers, it definitely works 100% correctly. Add in other software (wanted or unwanted, whether you know about them or not -- e.g. spyware) and you're bound to find a problem somewhere.

Let me know if this helps you find anything helpful

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Post by MacroMage » Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:33 pm

There is something wrong with the version listed above...

Patcher was always getting -114 with 13 files availible, but none downloaded.

Downloaded build 4211, so far, much better. Will see if the problem comes back.

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Post by grub » Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:11 pm

This is certainly a problem that I get every day. The server seems to become unavailable for 2-3 hours per day and prevents me from starting Innerspace. -114 is reported.

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Post by Lax » Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:27 pm

Server's fine, can you post on new threads when you have new issues please?

Either way, the explanation I gave to the original poster holds true. If you want to post on an old thread you can at LEAST follow the instructions I gave him

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Post by grub » Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:25 pm

I would follow them but they are rubbish, the three PCs in my house stop downloading at the same time and come back at the same time. Could be a problem somewhere else on the internet I suppose.

I am a new customer of yours, having been a wowglider user for some time. Your product is good and I am posting here only out of desperation since you have ignored emails to support (you).

Please can you hold the consternation and sarcasm and look into the issue.

Also, I do not believe that others do not get this issue. Anyone else out there want to own up?

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Post by Lax » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:26 pm

Ok, I apologize for being frank in my previous post. However, as you gave absolutely no information in your post how am I to assume I need any other information from you than what I asked of the original poster? Since you decided to be an ass in response, I'm now in a bad mood. Therefore, I apologize in advance because this is not going to be any more friendly.

Yeah, I love to ignore emails. Seriously though, you sent an email less than 24 hours ago, and it spent most of that time in our spam filter's quarantine until it was released by the admin an hour ago. Regardless, the email contained nothing of consequence
Please can you tell me why I cannot log in to your server when I start Innerspace at least once per day for 2-3 hours.

I can log in to the website OK and the login mysteriously comes back later.

This is urgent.

P.S do I get a 3/24 discount????
It's not rubbish because obviously the information you had given me about the problem, which specifically was only that you were receiving -114 and no other information, was incomplete. Now you're giving me more information, but I still have no indication of at what point you are getting the -114 error -- the rest of the message would also be useful.

That's fine if you want to believe it happens to everyone else, but I'm on IRC 24/7 and if it was a widespread issue, someone would have talked to me about it. Or they would have posted. Or they would have contacted me via MSN. The fact is that the server is quite fine, and it is something between your location and the server's location that is well beyond my control.

I do my best every single day to support every user and solve every problem, and I really don't appreciate it when a new user comes barging in here claiming that I ignore their (one) email (sent on a weekend, less than 24 hours prior), and has the nerve to tell me to hold my sarcasm when I explain to the user that the thread is old and irrelevant and that my request for more information from the original poster still holds true for anyone that wants to report a similar issue. Our server handles thousands of successful sessions every day, and at every time of day.

If you want to continue to explain your unique issue, please do so. I have received very little information and therefore I cannot help you. -114 is a premature disconnect, but again, I have no indication of what point you are getting this at, NOR do i have your diagnostic information as I had requested from the previous user, which would tell me among other things, what version of Windows you are using. So I don't even know what version of Windows you have to even determine if it could be from not having updates.

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Post by mjc » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:27 pm

no problems here!

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Post by Megamixman » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:31 pm

Seems like a hoax to me. Besides 1 out of like 10,000 just says that you are doing something wrong not lax.

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Post by SuperNoob » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:32 pm

I login in at various times of the day and have not had any problems connecting, let alone for multiple hours of every day. Since all three computers at your house all stop at the same time, I would suggest it is on your end. I can't even begin to troubleshoot based on your sparse information you have provided.

What do you mean read the fabulous manual? What do you mean search? Why does everyone always ask me that?

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Post by OgreB » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:32 pm

No problems here.

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Post by Red » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:36 pm

I had this same issue a while back. My problem was the software I use to stream porn, it didn't play nicely with Innerspace when it was trying to launch a session or download a patch.

So I just simply do one or the other now, instead of both at the same time and things go smoothly for me.

Good luck, hope this helps. (Ohh by the way, the software I use is XXX porn dialer. If you are using it too then you might have the same issue)


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Post by Greyman01 » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:36 pm

I'm from an area of the world that traditionally has all sorts of problems with internet connections, yet I've never had a problem here.

And I start/restart Innerspace a *lot*.

From a developers perspective, 99.9% of "We can't connect to your server" complaints can always be traced back to client connection issues. While you can bug Lax and perhaps get some joy out of it, you may also want to kick off the process of contacting your ISP at the same time.

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Post by drzoon » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:36 pm

I've never had any problems connecting and updating in the almost 1 year I've been using WinEQ2.

What hours of the day (I assume it's specific hours) does this happen? Or is it random?

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Post by ieatacid » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:39 pm

I can't even remember the last time I couldn't connect to the Lavish server.

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