Please post in the forum supplied for the software you are having trouble with, to the best of your ability. The GENERAL forum is not for bug reports!
Please start a NEW THREAD for your issue. Many people post on old threads that are not relevant to their problem, though are similar in one respect. For example, a post might be titled "everquest" and then someone will respond on it because their issue is also with everquest. We'd rather keep the issues in separate threads so we can keep track of which have been resolved.
Also, please provide as much relevant information as possible. If you are "crashing" please describe the crash -- crash to desktop, blue screen of death, etc, and copy/paste us the information we ask for below. We generally cannot help you without complete information.
For WinEQ 1.38:
- WinEQ.log contains the information we need about your system. This can be opened by right clicking on the tray program's icon and selecting WinEQ.log. It is deleted when you initially start the WinEQ 1.38 tray program.
- If you can reproduce your issue, you may want to close WinEQ entirely and restart it so that WinEQ.log is deleted, then start it all up and reproduce the issue with a clean log for us.
For WinEQ 2.0:
- Please explain which GAME you are having trouble with
- Whether your game runs or not, SYSINFO.TXT from your WinEQ 2.0 folder has the information about your system that we absolutely need in order to answer most questions or solve most problems. This can also be opened by opening the game window's context menu and selecting "Generate System Info", if your game runs.
Moderators: Lavish Software Team, Moderators