We apologize for the short downtime experienced tonight. We are quite unhappy with our current colocation center. As of about a month ago, we have had at least an hour or two of downtime every week for problems at the location. We're going to be negotiating a move to a new colocation center very soon.
Additionally, we are working on a new system for our license server as of tonight that will allow us to make full use of our backup server, without the problems with our current system (which is basically that the backup server never has an up-to-the-minute copy of the user database, and sometimes does not have the latest version information for our software as well).
Thank you for your patience with us as we work to improve the downtime situation. As our service is provided under the assumption that our servers are always accessible, we are working to ensure that they are accessible to you when you need it -- though there is always the possibility that your internet provider, or a piece of the internet between you and our servers prevents this from happening.