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A string, also known as text is a series of consecutive characters.


  • string Mid[position,length]: Returns a string containing the given length at the given position (1-based) of the original string
  • string Left[#]: Returns a string containing the leftmost # characters of the original string
  • string Right[#]: Returns a string containing the rightmost # characters of the original string
  • int Find[text]: Returns the 1-based position of a given substring in the original string, or NULL
  • int Length: Returns the length of the string
  • string Upper: Returns a string containing the original string in all upper case
  • string Lower: Returns a string containing the original string in all lower case
  • int Compare[text]: Compares this string, without regards to case, to the given text. Return value is -1 if the text would come before it in the dictionary, 0 if it is equal, or 1 if the text would come after the string
  • int CompareCS[text]: Compares this string, with regards to case, to the given text. Return value is -1 if the text would come before it in the dictionary, 0 if it is equal, or 1 if the text would come after the string
  • bool Equal[text]: TRUE if the string is equal to, without regards to case, the given text
  • bool NotEqual[text]: TRUE if the string is not equal to, without regards to case, the given text
  • bool EqualCS[text]: TRUE if the string is equal to, with regards to case, the given text
  • bool NotEqualCS[text]: TRUE if the string is not equal to, with regards to case, the given text
  • int Count[char]: The number of times a specific character appears in the string
  • string Token[#,separator]: "Tokenizes" the string by the given separator and returns the #th token



Declaring string Variables

Setting string Variables

Comparing Strings

See Also