LavishSettings:settingset (Object Type)

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Object Type Vitals
Defined By LavishSettings
Inherits settingnode
Reduces To the name of the set
Variable Object Type settingsetref
Uses Sub-Types no
C/C++ Type internal


  • string Name: Name of this set
  • uint GUID: Unique ID of this set
  • settingset FindSet[name]: Retrieve a child set by name
  • setting FindSetting[name]: Retrieve a child setting by name
  • setting FindSetting[name,default value]: Retrieve a child setting by name, creating it first with the default value if it does not already exist
  • ... Children: Retrieves the first child node, if any, in this set
  • settingattribute FindAttribute[Name]: Finds an Attribute on this set by name
  • settingattribute FindAttribute[Name,auto-create with default value]: Finds an Attribute on this set by name, creating it first with the given value if it does not exist


  • Import[filename]: Imports a given LavishSettings XML file into this set
  • Export[filename]: Exports this set to a given LavishSettings XML file
  • AddSet[name]: Creates a child set (sub-set) with the given name
  • AddComment[text]: Creates a child comment with the given text
  • AddSetting[name,value]: Creates a child setting with the given name and value
  • Rename[name]: Renames this set with the given name
  • Clear: Clears (destroys) all children from this set
  • Sort: Sorts the children in this set alphabetically
  • GetIterator[iterator object]: Initializes the given iterator object for iteration of all children of this set
  • GetSetIterator[iterator object]: Initializes the given iterator object for iteration of all child sets of this set (Key=string, Value=settingset)
  • GetSettingIterator[iterator object]: Initializes the given iterator object for iteration of all child settings of this set (Key=string, Value=setting)
  • GetCommentIterator[iterator object]: Initializes the given iterator object for iteration of all child comments of this set (Key=NULL, Value=settingcomment)
  • AddAttribute[name,value]: Adds an attribute to this setting, with the given name and value


Given the following data

  • Lavish Software
    • Employees
      • Joe Thaler
        • Address=123 Elm St
        • Phone Number=1-800-123-4567
        • Username=Lax
      • Dan Thaler
        • Address=456 Elm St
        • Phone Number=1-800-765-4321
        • Username=NinePointOh

Example 1

Using settingsetref to optimize multiple accesses to a set
variable settingsetref Set=${LavishSettings[Lavish Software].FindSet[Employees].FindSet[Joe Thaler].GUID}
echo ${Set.FindSetting[Address]} ${Set.FindSetting[Phone]} ${Set.FindSetting[Username]}

Example 2

Iterating sub-sets
function DumpSubsets(settingsetref Set, uint Indent=1)
  variable iterator Iterator

  variable string sIndent
  variable int Count
  for (${Count}<${Indent};Count:Inc)

  echo ${sIndent}${Set.Name}

  if !${Iterator:First(exists)}

     call DumpSubsets ${Iterator.Value.GUID} ${Indent}
  while ${Iterator:Next(exists)}

function main()
  variable settingsetref Set=${LavishSettings[Lavish Software].GUID}
  call DumpSubsets ${Set}
.Lavish Software
...Joe Thaler
...Dan Thaler

See Also