Inner Space:Pixel Search

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Revision as of 06:30, 9 October 2005 by Beefalo (talk | contribs)
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Searches for the nearest pixel to x,y matching a set of conditions. Color and radius are required. Everything is given in decimal except for color, which must be lower case hexadecimal.

Optional Parameters

  • -within # - Search for a pixel within # of the given color.
  • -redwithin # - Search for a pixel within # red
  • -greenwithin # - Search for a pixel within # red
  • -bluewithin # - Search for a pixel within # red
  • -upperleft - This will make the pixel search start in the upper left corner.
  • -upper - This will make the pixel search start in the upper center.
  • -left - This will make the pixel search start in the left border.
  • -center - This will start the pixel search in the center
  • -right - This will start the pixel search on the right border
  • -lowerleft - This will start the pixel search at the lower left corner.
  • -lower - This will start the pixel search on the center of the bottom border.
  • -lowerright - This will start the pixel search in the lower right corner.
  • -radius # - This is now effectively -center, -width (2*n), -height (2*n), and subtracts the X,Y position given by the radius.
  • -width # - This sets the width of the box to used in the search.
  • -height # - This sets the height of the box to be used in the search.


See Also