Difficulty Rating System

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Revision as of 20:31, 12 March 2005 by Lax (talk | contribs)
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Difficulty Rating
Example Difficulty Rating
Usage Newbie
Level of Understanding Intermediate
Computer Savvy {{{4}}}
Logic {{{5}}}

The Difficulty Rating System is designed to provide users with some guidance as to what topics are at their level of understanding, or are easy to use, and so on.


We support 6 difficulty levels for each metric.
  • None: Indicates that the metric does not apply
  • Newbie: Indicates a minimal difficulty. It should be easy for an absolute newbie to understand within seconds.
  • Beginner: Indicates difficulty only based on basic prior knowledge of another related topic, or having performed the task at least once before.
  • Intermediate: Generally indicates difficulty based on requiring basic prior knowledge of multiple related topics, or having performed the task several times before.
  • Advanced: Indicates a requirement of advanced knowledge and technical understanding, or having performed the task on a routine basis
  • Expert: Indicates a requirement of vast knowledge and technical understanding on various subjects, possibly indicating actual danger from use (such as crashing)


We currently support two separate metrics, but would like to expand to include several other metrics, possibly splitting the existing ones.


This metric rates only basic usage or syntax

Level of Understanding

This metric rates the overall prior knowledge required

Programming Knowledge