LGUI2:Radial Gauge Needle

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A Radial Gauge Needle in LavishGUI 2 defines a needle for a radialgauge.

Defining a Radial Gauge Needle

A Radial Gauge Needle is defined by a JSON object.

Radial Gauge Needle properties
backgroundBrush A Brush definition specifying the brush for the needle
name A name for the needle
minValue The minimum Value for the needle positioning -- if minValue/maxValue are not specified, the radialgauge's values are used
maxValue The maximum Value for the needle positioning -- if minValue/maxValue are not specified, the radialgauge's values are used
value The current integer Value for the needle positioning
originDegrees A numeric value (in degrees clockwise from top) indicating the position to start the radial position calculation from. If not specified, the radialgauge's originDegrees value is used
maxValueArcLength A numeric value specifying the arc length, in degrees clockwise from originDegrees, used to determine the needle position when value>=maxValue
innerArcLength The arc length, in degrees, used for the inner edge of the needle
outerArcLength The arc length, in degrees, used for the outer edge of the needle
innerRadius The radius from the centerPoint to the inner edge of the Filler arc -- default is 0.0
outerRadius The radius from the centerPoint to the outer edge of the Filler arc -- default is 0.0
innerRadiusFactor The inner radius factor for this needle, as a factor of the radial gauge's Actual Outer Radius, to be added to innerRadius -- default is 0.0
outerRadiusFactor The outer radius factor for this needle, as a factor of the radial gauge's Actual Outer Radius, to be added to OuterRadius -- default is 0.5
segments Number of segments (2 triangles each) used to render the needle -- default is 1

Radial Gauge Needle Events

A Radial Gauge Needle is not an Element and does not directly handle events.


LavishGUI 2 Topics