Ok how to get started.

Discussion of Inner Space

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Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:45 am

Post by clanlanda » Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:24 am

Ok tried it with the runscipt, the login screen is still full size and the console does not appear to have seen the runscript preinit.iss

Here is all of the information , I think.

Code: Select all

<Profile ID="2" Name="EverQuest Default Profile">
		<Setting Name="path">c&#58;\program files\sony\everquest</Setting>
		<Setting Name="executable">eqgame.exe</Setting>
		<Setting Name="parameters">patchme</Setting>
		<Setting Name="sound">1</Setting>
		<Setting Name="game">EverQuest</Setting>
	<Profile ID="27" Name="EQ Offset">
		<Setting Name="path">c&#58;\program files\sony\everquest</Setting>
		<Setting Name="executable">eqgame.exe</Setting>
		<Setting Name="parameters">patchme</Setting>
		<Setting Name="sound">1</Setting>
		<Setting Name="game">EverQuest</Setting>
		<Setting Name="preinit">RunScript PreInit_offset.iss</Setting>
	<Profile ID="29" Name="EQ Landa">
		<Setting Name="path">c&#58;\program files\sony\everquest</Setting>
		<Setting Name="executable">eqgame.exe</Setting>
		<Setting Name="parameters">patchme</Setting>
		<Setting Name="sound">1</Setting>
		<Setting Name="game">EverQuest</Setting>
		<Setting Name="preinit">RunScript PreInit_Landa.iss</Setting>
function EQSession&#40;&#41;
; customize this part for EverQuest 1
  alias normalsize WindowSize 1024,768
  alias tinysize WindowScale 20
  alias normalposition WindowPos -viewable 3,-3
  alias offsetposition WindowPos -viewable 254, 181
  alias tinyposition WindowPos $&#123;Math.Calc[$&#123;Display.DesktopX&#125;+10].Int&#125;,$&#123;Math.Calc[$&#123;Display.DesktopY&#125;+10].Int&#125;
  alias fullscreenmouse DIMouse on
  alias normalmouse DIMouse on
  alias tinymouse DIMouse off
  alias pipforeground normal
  bind fullscreenkey shift+alt+f fullscreen
  bind normalkey shift+alt+n normal
  bind tinykey shift+alt+t tiny
  bind releasekey alt+` DIMouse -lock toggle
  bind next ctrl+alt+x "uplink focus -next"
  bind previous ctrl+alt+z "uplink focus -previous"
  bind consolekey ctrl+alt+- Console toggle
  bind offsetscreenkey shift+alt+o offset

function NormalSession&#40;&#41;
; customize this part for other games
  alias normalsize WindowSize -viewable 1024x768
  alias tinysize WindowSize -viewable 256x192
  noparse alias normalposition WindowPos -viewable $&#123;Display.DesktopX&#125;,$&#123;Display.DesktopY&#125;
  noparse alias tinyposition WindowPos $&#123;Math.Calc[$&#123;Display.DesktopX&#125;+10].Int&#125;,$&#123;Math.Calc[$&#123;Display.DesktopY&#125;+10].Int&#125;
  alias fullscreenmouse
  alias normalmouse
  alias tinymouse
  alias pipforeground normal

  bind fullscreenkey shift+alt+f fullscreen
  bind normalkey shift+alt+n normal
  bind tinykey shift+alt+t tiny
  bind next ctrl+alt+x "uplink focus -next"
  bind previous ctrl+alt+z "uplink focus -previous"

function main&#40;&#41;
  noparse alias showtexturemem hudadd TextureMem 20,35 "Texture Memory Available&#58; $&#123;Display.TextureMem&#125;MB"
  alias hidetexturemem hudrem TextureMem
  noparse alias showsystemram hudadd SystemRAM 20,20 "System RAM Available&#58; $&#123;System.MemFree&#125;MB/$&#123;System.MemTotal&#125;MB"
  alias hidesystemram hudrem SystemRAM
  alias memoryindicatorON "varset memoryindicatorTOGGLE memoryindicatorOFF;showsystemram;showtexturemem"
  alias memoryindicatorOFF "varset memoryindicatorTOGGLE memoryindicatorON;hidesystemram;hidetexturemem"
  declare memoryindicatorTOGGLE string global memoryindicatorON
  noparse bind memoryindicator CTRL+ALT+M "execute $&#123;memoryindicatorTOGGLE&#125;"


  if $&#123;Game.Name.Equal[EverQuest]&#125;
    FileRedirect eqlsPlayerData.ini "eqlsPlayerData-$&#123;Profile&#125;.ini"
    INIRedirect eqclient.ini * * "eqclient-$&#123;Profile&#125;.ini" * *
    call EQSession
    call NormalSession

noparse alias fullscreen "WindowSize -fullscreen;WindowPosition -viewable $&#123;Display.DesktopX&#125;,$&#123;Display.DesktopY&#125;;fullscreenmouse"
alias normal "normalsize;normalposition;normalmouse"
; Difference between the two profiles Landa and Offset. 
;alias normal "normalsize;offsetposition;normalmouse"
alias tiny "tinysize;tinyposition;tinymouse"


Posts: 6634
Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 6:08 pm

Post by Lax » Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:51 pm

Yep, but if you hit SHIFT+ALT+N the window should move where you told it to. What you can do is put the word "normal" in the "OnStartup" option (for either the game or each profile) and that should set the window to what you have defined for normal.

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