ini files
Moderators: Lavish Software Team, Moderators
Glad you asked. It's actually built in by default with a clean installation. In the PreInit sequence, the FileRedirect and INIRedirect commands are used to redirect basic file i/o and ini i/o. Here's what happens in the default PreInit.iss:
So the eqclient.ini file that gets used by default is actually
eqclient-EverQuest Default Profile.ini
and each profile you create automatically uses one with a similar name because of the ${Profile}
There's ways to set it up per profile to use something else. For example, you could comment out (or remove) the INIRedirect line in PreInit.iss, and instead in the Profile settings (through the Games window) for each profile, type out the entire line (or paste and edit it) with the file you want, and save it. Like so:
INIRedirect eqclient.ini * * "eqclient-eolewis.ini" * *
Yet another way would be to use a switch in the PreInit script, but that would make it look too complicated and I'll just explain that if you ask about it
Code: Select all
FileRedirect eqlsPlayerData.ini "eqlsPlayerData-${Profile}.ini"
INIRedirect eqclient.ini * * "eqclient-${Profile}.ini" * *
eqclient-EverQuest Default Profile.ini
and each profile you create automatically uses one with a similar name because of the ${Profile}
There's ways to set it up per profile to use something else. For example, you could comment out (or remove) the INIRedirect line in PreInit.iss, and instead in the Profile settings (through the Games window) for each profile, type out the entire line (or paste and edit it) with the file you want, and save it. Like so:
INIRedirect eqclient.ini * * "eqclient-eolewis.ini" * *
Yet another way would be to use a switch in the PreInit script, but that would make it look too complicated and I'll just explain that if you ask about it
1. Do nothing, and eqclient-EverQuest Default Profile.ini is used already
2. Edit PreInit.iss, delete the INIRedirect line in it, and put that same line in your EverQuest profiles for the "PreInit" setting, changing the last part of it to be the file you want to use, for example: INIRedirect eqclient.ini * * "eqclient-eolewis.ini" * *
Everything in IS is done with a command, in the console or automatically done another way, such as in "PreInit" or various other places. PreInit.iss and AutoExec.iss happen to be created by default on a clean installation. These set up WinEQ-style hotkeys and functionality, including separate ini files per profile.
To record video, the simplest way is to hit ` and then type "record". Video then records. Hit ` to close the console. Hit ` and type "endrecord" when you wish to stop recording. You can make hotkeys to do it for you, by entering other commands... example:
bind record home record
bind endrecord end endrecord
(name, key combo, command)
Then you can just hit home to begin recording, and end to end recording
1. Do nothing, and eqclient-EverQuest Default Profile.ini is used already
2. Edit PreInit.iss, delete the INIRedirect line in it, and put that same line in your EverQuest profiles for the "PreInit" setting, changing the last part of it to be the file you want to use, for example: INIRedirect eqclient.ini * * "eqclient-eolewis.ini" * *
Everything in IS is done with a command, in the console or automatically done another way, such as in "PreInit" or various other places. PreInit.iss and AutoExec.iss happen to be created by default on a clean installation. These set up WinEQ-style hotkeys and functionality, including separate ini files per profile.
To record video, the simplest way is to hit ` and then type "record". Video then records. Hit ` to close the console. Hit ` and type "endrecord" when you wish to stop recording. You can make hotkeys to do it for you, by entering other commands... example:
bind record home record
bind endrecord end endrecord
(name, key combo, command)
Then you can just hit home to begin recording, and end to end recording
Shift+alt+f isn't a command
The easiest way you can set the key for full screen is to edit the file Scripts\PreInit.iss. For EverQuest, edit anything under "EQSession", and for every other game including WoW, edit anything under "NormalSession".
The line to edit is marked in red. Change shift+alt+f to say End, or "Num 9" with quotes, so then it might look like this after you're done:
The easiest way you can set the key for full screen is to edit the file Scripts\PreInit.iss. For EverQuest, edit anything under "EQSession", and for every other game including WoW, edit anything under "NormalSession".
Code: Select all
function NormalSession()
; customize this part for other games
alias normalsize WindowSize -viewable 1024x768
alias tinysize WindowSize -viewable 256x192
noparse alias normalposition WindowPos -viewable ${Display.DesktopX},${Display.DesktopY}
noparse alias tinyposition WindowPos ${Math.Calc[${Display.DesktopX}+10].Int},${Math.Calc[${Display.DesktopY}+10].Int}
alias fullscreenmouse
alias normalmouse
alias tinymouse
alias pipforeground normal
[color=red] bind fullscreenkey shift+alt+f fullscreen[/color]
bind normalkey shift+alt+n normal
bind tinykey shift+alt+t tiny
bind next ctrl+alt+x "uplink focus -next"
bind previous ctrl+alt+z "uplink focus -previous"
Code: Select all
function NormalSession()
; customize this part for other games
alias normalsize WindowSize -viewable 1024x768
alias tinysize WindowSize -viewable 256x192
noparse alias normalposition WindowPos -viewable ${Display.DesktopX},${Display.DesktopY}
noparse alias tinyposition WindowPos ${Math.Calc[${Display.DesktopX}+10].Int},${Math.Calc[${Display.DesktopY}+10].Int}
alias fullscreenmouse
alias normalmouse
alias tinymouse
alias pipforeground normal
[color=red] bind fullscreenkey "Num 9" fullscreen[/color]
bind normalkey shift+alt+n normal
bind tinykey shift+alt+t tiny
bind next ctrl+alt+x "uplink focus -next"
bind previous ctrl+alt+z "uplink focus -previous"